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Birmingham Hip Resurfacing : Nashik DoctorsInformation about Birmingham Hip ResurfacingThe BIRMINGHAM HIP Resurfacing (BHR) device consists of a socket in the shape of a shallow cup , and a cap in the form of a ball head. The cup is used to replace the damaged surface of your hip socket and the cap covers the ball-shaped bone at the top of your thigh and the small stem of the cap is inserted into the top of the thighbone. The BHR System relieves hip pain and improves hip function. It is generally used for the severely damaged hips caused due to diseases include osteoarthritis, arthritis or dysplasia. NashikDoctors is an online medical directory for the doctors and other related medical and health services in Nashik. Here you will find the complete details and contact links of the doctors for Birmingham Hip Resurfacing in Nashik. List of doctors for Birmingham Hip Resurfacing in Nashik :
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